The Weekly News (August 2014)

A few months ago in late springย I was interviewed over the phone (I suppose that bit is important) by a journalist from The Weekly News. Excellent! It was a nice chat with Craig, I sent him some pictures and he proceeded to write the article and send it to the editor of his newspaper for publication. Nothing appeared in June or July and I began to wonder if my storyย had been jettisoned in favour of another. In August I headed off to Scotland for my short cycling tour and began to forget all about itโ€ฆ But a few days ago I remembered about the interview and emailed Craig; yes, it had appeared in mid-August. Brilliant! Today, he emailed across the page where the article had appeared andโ€ฆ oh dear. Who is that bloke next to Reggie?* Itโ€™s not me!122523210.XdG6MV7Y.IMG_29273000x200075crop

*It is, in fact, my cousin Richard. He gets quite a few mentions in Along The Med on a Bike Called Reggie as I met up with him for a few days in Andalusia. Iโ€™m sure even he would admit that he is no great cyclist but, as you can see above, he did pose with Reggie. The photo of him with the bike wasnโ€™t one that I supplied to the newspaper โ€“ these are the ones that were โ€“ so I can only assume that they found it here on It made me smileโ€ฆ

What do you think?