
Sortland: What Have I Started?!!

Do you remember that I mentioned earlier this week how my tweet about the Norwegian town of Sortland had resulted in an article in the local newspaper, Vol? Well, here it is: 


The above photograph was sent to me by the journalist who interviewed me over the phone a few days after the original tweet. In her email she says the following:

“We posted the article online as well on Friday, and it have gotten a lot of attention. With 199 likes, 49 comments and 15 shares on facebook. We have made 2 other articles about the same subject. And this is now an ongoing debate in Sortland. You have not gotten any enemies, as one of the Facebook comments said ‘you’ve said what everyone thinks’.”

Bloody hell! The comments all seem to be on Facebook rather than on the newspaper’s website and you can read them here. The ‘likes’ are now above 200 and there are more the 60 comments. The frustration is, of course, that the comments are all written in Norwegian. I think I may be up late tonight using Google Translate… 

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2 replies »

  1. Hilarious. I hope they still send the Xmas tree to trafalgar square this year. Well a yorkshire man tends to say it how he sees it . . . . .

  2. Don’t start another international incident, the Norwegians quite like the Brits, and there are precious few countries that do! ๐Ÿ™‚

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