
‘Spain to Norway On a BIke Called Reggie’: The (Potential) Photos

Summersdale, the publishers of ‘Spain to Norway on a  Bike Called Reggie‘, have been in touch and, much to my delight, they would like to include some pictures in the new book. The absence of images from the first two books has been a complaint of many who have read them so it will be good to have photographs in the third.

I have just sent a selection of images to Summersdale from which they will choose a small number for inclusion. However, seeing as though I’ve just spent a couple of hours trawling through the photographs of the trip from Tarifa to Nordkapp, here is the long list of possibles. Which is your favourite? will it make the cut? Find out on May 11th 2017….

(Note: The images are grouped into the five ‘parts’ of the book and, if you work down each column in turn, appear here in chronological order.)



Belgium, The Netherlands & Germany:

Denmark & Sweden:



3 replies »

  1. It will be nice if they include as many as possible but more importantly the e-version has a link to all the photos. Cant wait to get my hands on the book. Wishing you a very Happy Christmas Andrew.

What do you think?