

A beautiful blue sky has accompanied Simone & Alan, Reggie & myself down to Milan. Alan by the way is Simone’s bike; I’m not the only one you see!
Much of the cycle was through the extended suburbs of Milan which seem to stretch as far as Como itself but it was good to have a guide in the form of Simone; just as when I entered Switzerland earlier on the week, it is taking me time to get used the the different signage and conditions on the roads, so I guide helps. As predicted some of the road surfaces are dreadful which means that I have to keep one eye on the road and one eye on everything else. I would like to avoid, of course any more broken spokes!
We have just had a bite to eat on the steps in front of the Duomo; it’s a great square and much spruced up since I was last here back in around 2003. The blue sky helps I suppose!
Simone is good company and it has been interesting chatting with him en route although the Italian drivers lack patience when two cyclists are side by side having a conversation; chats tend to be quite elongated along long stretches of road.
This afternoon should be fairly traffic free as we are heading south to Pavia following a canal… Expect some pretty pictures.

Categories: Cycling

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2 replies »

  1. Always makes me smile when I see the duomo!!! Cleaning finally finished I see! With your back to the duomo opposite far right is my favourite ice cream place- have one for me!!

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