
Cycling… Japan

Thisย caught my eye today. The maker of the video below – a chap called Jacob Laukaitis – emailed me earlier today with the link. For those of you who were paying attention last year, I did mention at some point after having cycled Tarifa to Nordkappย that the next big trip (whenever that is) will have to be somewhere that isn’t in Europe. New Zealand? Japan? They seemed the most tempting places in terms of length and my willingness to slum it. Well Jacob has cycled 160km across six Japanese islands. Not the greatest adventure in the world but it does give a quirky glimpse into what it might be like to cycle in Japan. Misty? Quiet? Decent cycling facilities? Here’s the video:

Categories: Cycling

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3 replies »

  1. It would be nice to have some shots in the video longer than a quarter of a second. By the time you focus on something, it’s gone and has been replaced by the next shot, which in turn is gone before you can focus on it.

  2. I would love to cycle the length of Japan. Great country and fantastic people and can easily be done on a budget and you will never be far from great food! I did the route in the video a couple of years ago, sadly by car, but it is heavily promoted as a cycle route. Would be tempted to try myself when we visit later in the year. Spring or Autumn are the best times to visit.

What do you think?